St. Benedict Parish has a wide variety of ministries and opportunties to be active stewards in our parish and wider communities.
Check out our parish ministries below!
Scheduled Dates and Times:
Location: St. Bridget's Church Hall, 15 Church Street, Bloomfield NY
Mission Statement: Seeing and feeding Christ through His poor
This Ministry Fulfills the Need of: Loving our neighbor as Christ commanded by offering food to those in need in the Bloomfield area.
Very appropriately named, this food pantry ministry located St Bridget’s Hall is a blessing to all those in need within the area defined by the Bloomfield School District. As is customary, they will never turn anyone in need of food away, while also serving the community with warm winter coats, children’s toys, and traditional holiday food baskets. All 20+ ecumenical volunteers manage the business in a labor of love, ensuring that the shelves are stocked with The Blessing Room offers a variety of meat, refrigerated items, and canned goods, and most of the time there is fresh produce (often donated by local farmers).. Clients enter, sign-in and take a shopping cart through the shelves and freezers much like the local grocery store. Like any business, all items must be diligently acquired, transported, stocked, distributed, culled, and accounted for with precise records. This ministry is so valuable and pure, that it is readily supported by most everyone who is aware of its true love and charity: farmers, local gardeners, businesses, food vendors, philanthropic entities, government agencies, and our own Parish Tithing Committee.
The Blessing Room Mission Statement is: “To love our neighbor as Christ commanded by offering food to those in need in the Bloomfield community”. Or as more simply stated by the saintly co-chairs of this ministry, Sandi and Sharon: “Seeing and feeding Christ through His poor”. To this end, this past year they served almost 2400 customers (heads of household) in their store, and made joyous the holidays of over 300 families with traditional Thanksgiving and Christmas baskets, while distributing almost 100 coats and jackets to those in need.
Ministry Leaders and Contact Information:
Becky Underwood
Additional information:
The Blessing Room, housed at St. Bridget's Hall (15 Church Street), has been serving as a Food Pantry for all in the Bloomfield School District since the 1970's.
There is no need for an appointment.
If you are interested in more information about this ministry, please contact the Parish Office at (585) 394-1220 and you will be put in touch with the ministry leader.
St Benedict Parish is proud to be a founding member of Canandaigua Churches In Action (CCIA).
In 2005 an idea was formed. How much good could be done in our city if churches united under one banner in order to serve those facing spiritual and physical needs? That idea began a movement that has now gathered thirteen area churches into one mobilized community known as Canandaigua Churches in Action. Together we are meeting the spiritual and physical needs of families in our community because we're motivated by Christ's love.
MISSION: We are the hands of Christ working together to address the unmet physical and spiritual needs of our neighbors in the greater Canandaigua community by providing direct services, advocacy and education.
VALUES: We will treat everyone with the love, respect and compassion of Christ.
FAITH: Everything we do is guided and empowered by the God who is three in one.
Contact Information:
Canandaigua Churches in Action, (585) 396-2242
Their offices are located on the ground level of 120 North Main Street, Canandaigua, NY
There is on-street parking adjacent to entrance 1.
There is a designated parking lot including handicap accessibility
Entrance located at the back of the building at door # 5.
For more information, visit their website at:
Upcoming Meetings
Men of the parish are welcome to join the Catholic Men's Group every third Wednesday at 7pm in Dougherty Hall for prayer (Liturgy of the Hours or Rosary) and to watch thought-provoking videos, followed by engaging group discussions and fellowship. If you can't attend in person, an online option via Zoom is also available.Prior Men's Group Events
In-person and Zoom Meetings – In-Person and Zoom meetings every third Wednesday as above where we prayed the Rosary or the Liturgy of the Hours, watched and discussed a Catholic video, and shared prayer intentions. The list of videos we have already watched include:
• Catholicism - Bishop Barron
• The Mystery of God – Bishop Barron
• Genesis to Jesus - St. Paul Center
• The Mass – Bishop Barron
• The Bible and the Church Fathers – St. Paul Center
• The Psalms – Augustine Institute
• The Eucharist in Scripture – St. Paul Center
Wednesday, June 27, 2023 – Picnic on the Lake – 24 men got together this year (a 40% increase from last year) for our annual picnic at a parishioner’s cottage on Canandaigua Lake – see the pictures below. We also met at the same cottage in June of the prior two years. The meeting included praying the Liturgy of the Hours, a presentation of Polling Software and how it might be used in future meetings, as well as time to gather and relax, confession, and a boat ride after the meeting. Snacks, Salad/Fruit, Wings, Pizza, Hots, ice cream, and some adult beverages were also provided. Fr. William Leone from St. Jerome’s in East Rochester attended again this year. The men in attendance have given it rave reviews!
Pictures from this event are included in a photo album below.
Wednesday, June 22, 2022 at a Cottage on the Lake – 17 men got together for our regularly scheduled meeting but this time at a parishioner’s Cottage on the Lake – See pictures below. We also met at the same cottage last year in June. The meeting included the regular scheduled events as well as time to gather and relax ahead of the meeting, confession, and a boat ride after the meeting. Snacks, Salad/Fruit, Wings, Pizza, Hots, and some adult beverages were also provided. Fr. William Leone from St. Jerome’s in East Rochester attended along with seminarian James Muscatella.
Wednesday, March 11, 2020 in Dougherty Hall - Webinar sponsored by the Institute of Catholic Culture - speaker Fr. Paul Scalia (son of the late Supreme Court Judge Antonin Scalia) shared his thoughts and experience on "Preparing Our Hearts: A Guided Examination of Conscience for Holy Confession".
Catholic Men's Group First Breakfast & Talk - November 16, 2019 - On Saturday November 16, 2019, the Catholic Men’s Group sponsored a breakfast and a talk by Dr. Matthew Kuhner.
The Knights of Columbus, Chapter #1445 from Canandaigua provided an enjoyable breakfast for 45 men from various parishes and Dr. Kuhner, who is Academic Dean and Assistant Professor of Systematic Theology at St. Bernard’s School of Theology and Ministry in Rochester, spoke eloquently and frankly about “Sexuality and the Sacred: What does the Gospel Say About Love and Sexuality?”
We hope to have 3-4 such breakfasts and talks throughout the year so check back to this web page regularly to see when the next event will be.
In the meantime, please feel free to listen to Dr. Kuhner’s talk below and share it with others! Kuhner.mp3
View our photo albums by clicking here.
Mission Statement: To help men to become better men, fathers, husbands, and spiritual heads of their family; to encourage men to grow in knowledge and practice of their Catholic faith; to help men seek Christ through the Mass, prayer, scripture reading, and the sacraments; and to enable them to know, love, and serve God, wife, family, and neighbor.
This Ministry Fulfills the Need of: Providing a forum for men to share their faith with other men of the parish in a small group setting.
Scheduled Ministry Meetings Dates and Times: Various/flexible
Ministry Leader:
Mike Gallagher
If you are interested in more information about this ministry, please contact the Parish Office at (585) 394-1220 and you will be put in touch with the ministry leader.
Christmas Outreach Program 2024 - Canandaigua (updated 10/1/2024):
The SVDP Society and Social Ministry Committee of St. Benedict Parish are in the midst of organizing our Annual Christmas Outreach Program to assist the neediest families and individuals in our Canandaigua community.ELIZABETH MINISTRY IN THE DIOCESE OF ROCHESTER: A CATHOLIC SUPPORT NETWORK FOR MISCARRIAGE, STILLBIRTH, AND INFANT LOSS: As local Catholic women who have experienced the loss of a child, our goal is to offer support to women and families suffering through a similar loss. We sponsor two annual Masses of Remembrance each year in May and October at various parishes throughout the diocese. We strive to provide emotional, spiritual, and practical support to women and families. We offer on-going support by being available in person or over the phone to talk, listen, and pray together. We distribute comfort kits, provide resources, and help make logistical arrangements. If you or a loved one are seeking support or are interested in joining our mailing list, please contact us: Molly Hickey at [email protected] or Janene Loughran at (585) 329-1974.
View our videos here:
Mission Statement: Our mission is to help families experiencing homelessness and low income families achieve sustainable independence through a community-based response.
This Ministry Fulfills the Need of: Serving others as faithful stewards of God’s grace.
Activities: Opportunities for volunteers to donate their time, talents and treasure to help make a difference in the lives of homeless families in our community.
Additional information: Please visit Family Promise of Ontario County's website for detailed information about this ministry -
Ministry Leader: Bethann Miller
The 2025 festival information will be posted as soon as we have confirmed dates.
Mission Statement: The Church properties of St. Benedict Parish are our witness to the community of our love and service to God. As such, the grounds should reflect our love of the Lord and our Committment to steward all that He has given us. They should present a welcoming presence to all.
This Ministry Fulfills the Need of: Maintaining and enhancing the gardens of both St. Mary's and St. Bridget's campuses. This includes the churches, rectory, church hall, parish administration building, etc.
Scheduled Ministry Meetings Dates and Times:
Ministry Leader:
Jennifer Muscato
If you are interested in more information about this ministry, please contact the Parish Office at (585) 394-1220 and you will be put in touch with the ministry leader.
About the Ministry:
GriefShare is a friendly, caring group of people who will walk alongside you through one of life’s most difficult experiences: losing someone you love. GriefShare is an International Christian based support group for people grieving the death of a loved one. The program is 13-weeks and there are three essential components, which are video presentations, group discussions, and a personal workbook.
TOPICS for each GriefShare Session:
Scheduled Ministry Meeting Dates and Times:
Ministry Leaders: Mary Whalen, (585) 210-0048 or email [email protected]
View our video here:
Mission Statement: To visit and pray with Catholics, who for one reason or another, are unable to attend Mass
This Ministry Fulfills the Need of: Reaching out to those who cannot come to Church, and assuring them we care and that they remain part of our faith family
Scheduled Ministry Meetings Dates and Times: varies
Ministry Leaders and Contact Information:
Maureen McMahon (Visitation, including Jail Ministry/Eucharistic Ministers for Nursing Facilities, Hospital, etc.)
If you are interested in more information about this ministry, please contact the Parish Office at (585) 394-1220 and you will be put in touch with the ministry leader.
The Knights are Catholic men putting their faith into action by participating in many stewardship activities, such as fundraising events for St. Mary’s School, assisting with transporting food items from local stores to the Blessing Room, and working with community organizations. Any man who would like to join the Knights of Columbus should contact the Grand Knight. Join us in expressing the principles of charity, unity, and fraternity through faith and action.
Contact: Paul Fitzpatrick, Grand Knight
Mission Statement: The Church properties of St. Benedict Parish are our witness to the community of our love and service to God. As such, the grounds should reflect our love of the Lord and our Committment to steward all that He has given us. They should present a welcoming presence to all.
This Ministry Fulfills the Need of: Mowing and maintaining the lawn care at St. Mary's Church using both ride-on and push mowers.
Scheduled Ministry Meetings Dates and Times:
Ministry Leaders:
Dan Corbett
If you are interested in more information about this ministry, please contact the Parish Office at (585) 394-1220 and you will be put in touch with the ministry leader.
Mission Statement: The purpose of the Migrant Ministry is to foster mutual evangelism in the communities involved and provide the support necessary that all may be respected and live a dignified life, following the mandate of Pope Francis to welcome the stranger and to see the face of Christ in everyone.
This Ministry Fulfills the Need of: Following the Gospel message to welcome all people, most specifically the stranger, the poor, and the marginalized and to guide our steps on the paths of Social Justice.
Scheduled Ministry Meetings Dates and Times: Meetings occur on the same schedule of dates and times as for Social Ministry
Ministry Leaders:
Angi Salerno, Mary Ellen Gysel
If you are interested in more information about this ministry, please contact the Parish Office at (585) 394-1220 and you will be put in touch with the ministry leaders.
View our video here:
St. Benedict’s Prayer Shawl Ministry creates prayer shawls, which are available at the PAC and at St. Bridget’s Church Hall for anyone who feels a need in these difficult times. They are a great comfort to those suffering illnesses, grieving lost loved ones, or experiencing stress and anxiety. They are blessed and have a tag expressing their purpose. They have been created with knitting needles, crochet hooks, donated yarn, and much love and prayers. If you would like, please call the PAC at 394-1220 or visit St. Bridget’s Parish Hall after Mass or during the hours that the Blessing Room is open.
The Prayer Shawl Ministry always welcomes new members. The ministry typically meets on the 2nd and 4th Thursday of each month from 2pm—4pm in Dougherty Hall. If you are unable to join us during our meeting times, you can work at home. We can supply yarn and tools if needed. We also gladly accept any yarn that anyone can donate.
The Catholic Christian community of Saint Benedict Parish understands that living out our Baptismal call as Disciples of Jesus Christ requires that we strive constantly to deepen our knowledge of God, that we express our love to God in Prayer and Worship and that we serve God in our brothers and sisters, especially the poor.
Aware that the true measure of the Christian life is our service to Christ present in our sisters and brothers in need as we find in Matthew's Gospel: ‘Come, you who are blessed by my Father. Inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world. For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, a stranger and you welcomed me, naked and you clothed me, ill and you cared for me, in prison and you visited me.’ Then the righteous will answer him and say, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you drink? When did we see you a stranger and welcome you, or naked and clothe you? When did we see you ill or in prison, and visit you?’ And the king will say to them in reply, ‘Amen, I say to you, whatever you did for one of these least brothers of mine, you did for me; and firmply rooted in Catholic Social Doctrine, the social ministry of our parish is constantly open to responding to the various needs of the poor in our community, in our nation and beyond our borders. We coordinate a number of initiatives throughout the year and are constantly coming up with new and creative ways to practice the Corporal Works of Mercy:
Ministry Leaders:
Mary Ellen Gysel, John Guilford
If you are interested in more information about this ministry, please contact the Parish Office at (585) 394-1220 and you will be put in touch with the ministry leaders.
If you are interested in more information about this ministry or if you would like a Stephen Minister's care, please call (607) 398-0382 and leave a message and a Stephen Minister will return your call.
Stephen Ministers as of December 16, 2024:
Front row (left to right): Cindy Serafine, Theresa Donk, Barbara Caulfield, Judith FlaminiConfidentiality is a cornerstone of Stephen Ministry because it is absolutely essential for building safe, healing, caring relationships. This assurance builds trust and creates a safe place where care receivers can risk revealing their most painful issues - problems they might not even discuss with close friends or family. Confidentiality helps create a relationship that promotes healing and hope.
Stephen Ministers provide one-to-one Christian care to people in our parish and community who are experiencing difficulties in their lives. Examples of the challenges faced by care receivers include, but are not limited to: death of a loved one, divorce, job loss, terminal illness, aging, or chronic illness.
In any of these circumstances, individuals may benefit from someone who meets faithfully with them to listen, pray, support, and encourage. The relationship between caregiver and care receiver may last anywhere from a few weeks to two years. The relationship is confidential; what is said between the caregiver and care receiver remains between the two of them.
We have nearly 20 Stephen Ministers at St. Benedict Parish who come from all walks of life with ages that span many decades. The referral committee selects caregivers of the same gender who possess the caregiving gifts appropriate to the individual in need. You can request a Stephen Minister for yourself or for someone you think would benefit from this ministry.
Annette Leopard, Judy Hurlbert, Harry Pemberton
View our video here:
Stewardship is about giving back. It is about receiving the gifts God has given us and sharing them with Him and with those around us. Stewardship is a way of life -- a way that is dedicated to the giving of ourselves by offering God things that are most dear to us in our lives: our time, our talent, and our treasure.
How can you help? There are so many ways to share your time, talents, and treasures! One of them is by participating in one or more of our parish ministries that are currently looking for volunteers. Click here to go to the main ministry page and check out our ministry brochure or some of the videos posted there.
Committee Mission Statement: To build a community of intentional disciples of Jesus Christ to promote the sharing gifts of all people in supporting the mission of St. Benedict Parish.
This Ministry Fulfills the Need of: Ensuring that parishioners feel their value as integral members of the Church and greater community; assisting parishioners to define their gifts, talents, and purpose to serve Christ through parish events and ministries.
Ministry Leader: Amy Noto
If you are interested in more information about this ministry, please contact the Parish Office at (585) 394-1220 and you will be put in touch with the ministry leader.
Stewardship Prayer
Almighty and Gracious God, giver of all good gifts,
who gives us yourself in all times and in every place,
give me, we pray, a spirit of generosity and love
as we become your sons and daughters
through the saving love of Jesus Christ.
Perfected by service, make me your servant.
To a dark and broken world let me bear your light.
Make me, O Lord, powerful in love for those things
entrusted to us to care for on this earth.
May our Churches be full of those seeking you
and of those thanking you for your generosity
May gratitude dominate my heart and perfect me
by leading me to beautify our world
as you have beautified our darkened lives with your divine light.
May your Son’s light be seen in me always
as we live in the unity created by His Body and Blood.
May we share, and give, and provide, and serve bravely in our parish
for your glory and the realization of beauty in the gifts we’ve been given.
For you live and reign forever and ever. Amen.
120 N. Main Street, Canandaigua. (585) 394-3980
CLOTHING ROOM: Wednesdays, Fridays, and Saturdays, 10am-12:30pm. Donations are also accepted during these hours (see below).
VOUCHER ROOM: Wednesdays & Fridays, 10am-noon.
What can I leave in the donation bins inside St. Mary’s Dougherty Hall entrance?
Please consider joining us as a volunteer in the near future! You will be valuable resource to our sisters and brothers most in need in our community. It will be a rewarding and fulfilling experience! If you are interested in becoming a volunteer, please call the St. Vincent de Paul Society telephone number: (585) 394-3980. Please leave your name, phone number and a message that you are calling to join us as a Voucher Room or Clothing Room volunteer. Thank you!
Mission Statement: A network of friends, inspired by Gospel values, growing in holiness and building a more just world through personal relationships with and service to people in need.
This Ministry Fulfills the Need of: Serving the poor in a small and humble way.
Scheduled Ministry Meetings Dates and Times: Second Wednesday of the month from 1:30pm - 3pm in Dougherty Hall at St. Mary's Church.
Ministry Leaders:
Julie Hoffman, President
Bob Moore, Vice President
Kevin Regan, Council President
If you are interested in more information about this ministry, please contact the Parish Office at (585) 394-1220 and you will be put in touch with the ministry leaders.
Mission Statement: In response to God's word, to acknowledge that everything we have is a gift from God and it to be used in His service. (Luke 12:33; Acts 20:35; 1 Timothy 6:17-19; James 1:17, 1:27; 1 Peter 4:10)
This Ministry Fulfills the Need of: Sharing the fruits of giving to service those in need.
Scheduled Ministry Meetings Dates and Times: Meets quarterly
Ministry Leader:
Dick Scott
Lisa Decker, Secretary
If you are interested in more information about this ministry, please contact the Parish Office at (585) 394-1220 and you will be put in touch with the ministry leader.
Additional information:
'Bring full tithes and dues to the storehouse, so that there may be food in my house and then see if I do not open the flood gates of heaven for you and pour out a blessing for you in abundance.' (Malachi 3:10) In 1982, our parish community joined the ranks of parishes throughout the country by tithing the first fruits of our offering collection. This tithe has been instrumental in feeding the hungry, supplying clothes, shelter and medicine to the needy, spreading the gospel, and many other good works.
WWP Bible Studies combine personal study with small group discussion, linking our everyday challenges to the solutions given to us through the teachings of Christ and the Catholic Church. If you desire to grow in your faith in a supportive community of Catholic women, Walking with Purpose is for you! The group meets most Thursdays at 6pm at St. Mary’s Church either in Dougherty Hall or in Halloran Chapel. Email [email protected] for more details.
Ministry Leaders:
Cait Bodine & Erica DiNapoli
The Women’s Prayer Ministry now meets every third Monday at both 3:45pm and 6:30pm at St. Mary's. All women of the parish are welcome! The upcoming meetings are scheduled for: May 20, June 10 (and every 3rd Monday following)
Ministry Leader:
Andrea DiCarlo
Why should you check out this ministry?
You get new friends! It’s intergenerational; we welcome women of any age, younger or older, married or single, with children or childless. All are called to encourage and console one another. We are truly here for each other. Philippians 2:4. Therefore encourage one another and build each other up as you are already doing. – 1 Thessalonians 5:11. Carry one another’s burdens; in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ.
You will find acceptance and peace. The women, all with various viewpoints on many topics, are nonjudgmental and respectful. The diversity of age and experience provides support and wisdom.
Prayer – it is God communing with us and we speaking with Him. Matthew 18:20 ”For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.”
Assorted prayer practices: along with spontaneous “from the heart prayers”, there will be Rosary, Divine Mercy Chaplet, Liturgy of the Hours, or another prayer practice someone may introduce.
Scripture or Church teachings – little bits of Catholicism to guide us in our daily walk.
No registration or sign-up necessary; come when you can. Currently, we meet 3:30-4:45, second and fourth Mondays of each month, in the Halloran Chapel at St. Mary’s. Since it was started, at the behest of two new parishioners, the timing and location have adapted to best meet the needs of those attending.
If we are not the ‘fit’ for your schedule or location, we will be glad to assist you in starting a satellite prayer group.
For more information, contact the facilitator, Andrea DiCarlo, at [email protected]
Join the Young Adult Community at St. Benedict Parish
At St. Benedict Parish, our Young Adult Ministry is all about building a welcoming community where young adults can connect, share experiences, and grow together in faith. Whether you’re looking for new friendships, a place to belong, or simply a supportive group to be a part of, we invite you to join us.
If you’d like to learn more or connect, please call the Parish Office at (585) 394-1220, and we’ll help you reach the ministry leaders.
Upcoming events/ Scheduled Ministry Meetings Dates and Times:
Watch for information about other upcoming events and meetings to be announced in the parish bulletin or Flocknotes.
Check out the Catholic Courier's article about this ministry, by clicking here!
Ministry Leaders: