OCIA stands for the Order of Christian Initiation of Adults (formerly called RCIA - Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults). OCIC stands for the Order of Christian Initiation of Children (formerly called RCIC - Rite of Christian Initiation of Children). It is the process by which the Catholic community welcomes adults and children over the age of 7 into the Catholic Church. General information about this process can be found on this handout.
OCIA/OCIC is the process by which individuals journey towards the celebration of the Sacraments of Initiation: Baptism, Confirmation and Eucharist. This journey involves prayer, reflection, learning and discernment… all done within the midst of parish community members who share faith and offer genuine hospitality.
OCIA/OCIC is a process for:
Wherever you are at in your faith journey, we welcome you and your questions and hope you will find in us, not travel agents who are experts in the field, but rather friends who offer themselves as companions for the journey. Remember… we are ALL pilgrims on this journey of faith. No one on earth has yet achieved the goal. Even the most learned & devout Catholics are still beginners on the journey to our heavenly homeland. So… welcome to the community of “beginners”!
If you are interested or know of anyone over the age of seven who is interested in becoming Catholic or in completing their Sacraments of Initiation (Baptism, Eucharist and/or Confirmation), please contact the Parish Office at (585) 394-1220 for more information please email [email protected]. To register for OCIA or OCIC, please complete the following form:
“As I listened to our RCIA group share what this process has meant to them, I detected a common thread that lead us all to conversion and confirmation. For me, and others, there was "something" missing. Whether it was in the wake of a painful event, a loss, a desire to "re-connect" with our faith, or even just a wonder of whether our lives are meant to have a deeper, more fulfilling meaning. Some of us just came because a friend asked us to come with them. But we all agreed, that as we progressed through the process, we became more and more aware of all the subtle hints and nudges that had been leading us to the RCIA process, all along. What we discovered was a trail of circumstances, left by the Holy Spirit, leading us to RCIA and an awareness of our relationship with Christ; opening our eyes to how he is and has been working in our lives. We discovered new friends, such as our Group, the St. Mary's community and the RCIA/RCIC Team. Most importantly, we all opened our eyes, ears and hearts to our relationships to Christ and discovered how to begin to love and live a life of self-gift just as Christ did. There are but a few moments in our lives (e.g. marriage, children, and illness) that we can consider life-changing. And for me, and every member of our group, RCIA was such a moment. It is the beginning of a new life; a resurrection.” Ric Militello
“I originally started to look into joining the Catholic Church as a result of a relationship I was in at the time. As a child, I was brought up as an Episcopalian, but was never encouraged to practice my faith. Ever since my journey with the Catholic Church, my faith has grown tremendously. I feel as if I joined the church at just the right time. A dear friend was diagnosed with stage 2 breast cancer at the beginning of this year, and without my newly renewed faith, close friends, and the tremendous support of the church, I don’t think I could make it through the news of my friend’s health. I hope to be a sponsor this coming Fall to another individual who would like to join the church and help to be a part of their growing experience with their faith.” Jillian Wheeler
"Converting to Catholicism is something I have thought about for a few years, and just never had the courage to fully explore. I am grateful that I was led to the Church at the time that I was. The RCIA program, with the RCIA/RCIC Team's leadership, gave me a passion and excitement for my faith that I have never felt before. I genuinely did not want classes to end. I will be forever thankful for the connections I made with my fellow converts and the other sponsors, the lessons learned, and the spiritual guidance I received during this process. This is truly one of the best decisions I have ever made." Andrea Cronkrite
“The process of RCIA has surely been what I have been asking for in prayer. The Holy Spirit working through the RCIA/RCIC Team has given me a renewed commitment to Christ, a desire to be an active member of the body of Christ in the Catholic Church, and filled me with a knowing that I am loved and was made to love. Through the RCIA/RCIC Team's leadership, education, and compassion I am proud to say I am a Catholic and I love the church. I am a child of the Lord, the King, the Savior Jesus Christ. I am grateful beyond words for what I have learned and experienced in RCIA. I am better for it, as is my family. Thank you to all who support RCIA. For anyone thinking of joining it will surely be a blessing to you.” Sarah Martyn
“In Olivia’s words: The RCIC has been life changing for me. I came into this knowing nothing and now I know a lot. There were some days that I gave up going to my basketball/soccer practices to go to classes that was difficult, but in the end it was worth it. The people were so nice and always made me feel welcome. I really wanted to be baptized and feel part of a church community and now I am thankful that I am. In the words of her Mom (Michele): My daughter's interest in being baptized brought us to St. Mary's. The RCIA program has opened my eyes and my heart to a wonderful new way to view the world. I have made some amazing new friends and strengthened bonds with old friends, while brushing up on and learning so many new things. The RCIA/RCIC Team has made this such an enlightening and exciting process. I feel like I received a good foundation to begin a new journey. I look forward to continuing to grow in faith and I am thankful for all of those who showed us such kindness and welcomed us with open arms.” Michele and Olivia Pagliano
“I am forever thankful for the foundation that my parents instilled. However, the feeling of missing "more" loomed. Searching "more", my life became enlightened with today's new age evangelism but "more" was still missing. God has a special design for each of us. A trip to Rome and Mother Angelica, slowly opened a door bringing me to a new threshold of my spiritual quest and the doorstep of RCIA. The flickering candle became brighter with Catholic history and teachings to present day. Pope Francis enlightened the world with the insightful ability to move forward in "present day"; yet keep God's traditional teachings intact. RCIA added a new wing to fly in my search of "more". RCIA teachings cleared away long misunderstood perceptions of Catholicism. This does not end here. I am charged to honor traditions and to live and grow in the present day and move forward without stagnation. My inner candle shines brighter and a renewed wing allows my heart to sing; with the complete understanding of the Eucharist. To me: it is God's gift for my weakness. We live today, yet honor the past with a refreshment of present day spirituality as God intended for me (and each of us). "God is First Today". From the past to this very moment in time, I am personally charged as an individual to pass a flame to assist in the Hope and Love of this GIFT. Life is a renewal process and to move forward with openness. Mother Mary and the one Church was the missing "more". THANK YOU, RCIA and each person along the way for your "light". Diana Batzel Powers